
II : Mechanics and the Death of a Country


- Mechanics and the Death of Society -

Friday, 15:55


Through the years, many times I've talked with people wiser than I could ever dream of being. And in many of these dialogues, the theme of Society and the role of Arts in it always pops up. Being myself a composer,  this dialogue remains (and will remain) very important, because modern society is focusing towards a mechanized world, where the human input is less important.

From my engineering point of view (I'm an IT Engineer as well), we are living under the illusion that mechanization is the ultimate solution for all things going wrong. I'm not a caveman, but my point here is that we're forgetting that all these mechanic devices were created by humans who despite their claims of having an ultimate mind, are just as imperfect as the things or processes they are trying to fix.

How is this affecting society ?

Here in the place I live in, the president of my country has developed an education system focused on making this country a Technologic Country. It's quite a good idea, considering we're a country focused only on producing money through natural resources and little technological experimentation. The problem comes up, when the whole curriculum of education it's only considering traditional and technological careers as relevants, focusing and giving chances to people who are interested in those careers through scolarships, and then giving no chance to the people who wants to study other things, such as arts. It's true that there are places to study arts, but the problem we have here (and world-wide) is that arts have been categorized as being something for "people with finesse" only, but I am a firm believer that like anything in this world, we all were born from zero, knowing nothing about anything.


Mechanics also affect the way society and arts have a relationship. 

In a place obsessed with technological sophistication, arts lose their space. Technology means money, money invested, money spent, money wasted. It's no secret that we're living in a time where we could be filthy rich with just a click, and there's nothing wrong with it. But the problem comes out, when all spaces, are just focused to the mechanical aspects of society. It could be in the education field, it could be in the management field, it could be pretty much anything we have nowadays. We are obsessed with time, space, trying to find if there is a God or not, trying to satisfy our ego no matter the cost. But we have forgot, our human, perfectible and imperfect nature. Artists are afraid to speak, afraid to experiment, afraid to keep creating, afraid to study their craft. We're living in the second Dark Age. But we should Rise.

The lack of arts is the reflection of the lack of conscience in a society
Obsessed only to find a way to establish their virtual reality


Visions: The Second Renaissance. I

Visions: The Second Renaissance.


- Trained for being competitive, Trained to be Minus Human -

Wednesday, 4:33 A.M. 

It's funny I start this column at this particular time. 4:33' is the name of a composition (based in silence) John Cage made. He was one of the most revolutionary composers of the past century.

In any case, let's go to the main subject of this column here.


I'm 27 years old as I am writing this. I am not sure how many people would read this columns I'll keep posting from now on based on my observations of society. I don't claim these to be the ultimate truth, since I consider the truth as something personal and timeless for each one who keeps seeking it. 


However, it is with much regret that in this society we live in, we don't see the patterns happening around us. It would be nice if those were constructive, but they aren't. Those patterns, seem to celebrate and promote things like hatred, self-importance, false individualism, and the suppression of free will, free speech, and the freedom of a creed, whatever that is.


In the country I live in I see these things happening in quite an incredible fast rate. Somehow, what is happening it's a micro-cosmos of what's already happening in the world out of these walls I live in, and out of these country. No matter if you're into polithics, music, sports, whatever. 

The competition and the self-righteousness to claim what we seek, what we follow, or what we "believe" is the ultimate truth, is all over the place. I think it's rather sad.


I don't recall the time things started to be like this. Not to sound pessimistic, but as far things go this way, we're not getting anywhere. As I was walking today with a good old friend of mine, I told him this :

We live in a world worried in the benefit of the few,

 Instead of working for the benefit of the whole.


All through internet, in social networks where you could write (or say) things as you wish, all I see is hatred, sarcasm, tons of self-manifestations of "enlightment" , people trying to impress and prove so hard how "witty, funny, challenging" they are, people trying so hard to put the others down because they consider them "inferior", people trying so hard to make THEIR view the ONE and ONLY view.


I wonder, when the world turned upside-down ? When did we forgot the real meaning of being alive ? WHEN, for fucks sake... WHEN DID WE LOST TRACK?


Life's too short to try to FORCE our view into the world surrounding us. Think this for a minute there, wouldn't be boring if all of us were all "smart-asses" speaking in "strange jargon", dressing "unique", thinking exactly the same things we "consider right", listening to the music "we consider good music".

To me, as far as I see it, that's called Dictatorship.


Instead of trying to make a "one and only view", why not turning that wasted energy and creativity into something new and great for your society ? Why keep criticising it instead of doing SOMETHING to change it? I know it's hard as hell, but it would be more meaningful.


Life's too short to live it in a constant state of competition.


Visions: The Second Renaissance

- A new entry, in quite a long time. -

Today I'll start a new space, called "The Second Renaissance". Inspired by the book "The Last Poem of Schetzzer", and its "Seven Truths of the Sources of Power" there are two powerful reasons for this new space in my blog:

- The ease we humans have to judge based in our ego and pretense. This also puts me in the same wagon, but at least I won't save it anymore and also, the ease we humans have to hate more, and love less in this "New Century".
- The ease we humans have nowadays, to be less human, and more mechanic.

Coming Soon.


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Would you believe that I speak spanish, but I prefer english instead?