
Spoken Word music and its effects on me...

During my short 25 years of highs-and-lows existance, one of the main concerns this humble narrator of yours has is to continue exploring through music, through words, through syllables, through sounds I thought didn't exists, through images I've found sometimes unpleasant, through ideas I thought were crazy...

And here I am nowadays, still stretching the boundaries of my musical self... 

Lately I've been fond of three particular things in music... Three particular things that are not usually "heard" or "noticed"... Being those three Spoken Word material, Ambient and Minimalist Music and John Coltrane's music.

Let's start with the Spoken Word thing...

To be honest I wasn't that familiar with the term Spoken Word 'till a few years ago, while a friend of mine showed me the works of a man who I've talked about in this blog before, named Henry Rollins. He took the Spoken Word art to levels of high instrospection, reflection and meditation. That's what it is to me, to say the least...

What this Spoken Word thing represents to me is something like a mantra. A mantra you keep hearing to be strong, over and over again, words resonating in your head no matter how troubled you feel.

And that's what happened in my case with Henry Rollins material. The first spoken word thing I heard of him was his famous "I know You", in which Rollins takes a deep breath and rides directly to the core of how people feel when being lonely. It's kind of odd, but we all somehow in our short lifetimes have felt like that too. Some more than others... but we all have felt lonely at any time of our lives.

It's easy to bash people, but it's hard to listen. 

I think one of the first Spoken Word material were displayed in the movie "Taxi Driver" < Which I highly reccomend >

"Loneliness has followed me my whole life
Everywhere, in bars, cars, 
sidewalks, stores, Everywhere...
There's no escape... I'm God's lonely man."

Being inspired by these two characters I am currently working on some Spoken Word material... because I think, I have a lot to say, against all the things I see which I really consider, are not going well later on this society.

- Being for the sake of artistic expression, I hope no one scares of this performance -

We all have something to say, the thing is... we should let the words flow, like water...

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