
A blast from the past... the early days of music appreciation.

So... This made my day. This is how your ''humble narrator''*Taking the words from Alexander DeLarges, main character of A Orange Clockwork* looked while he was 17. If you look closer to this picture -which by the way is very, very old- my eyes reflect some sort of hope, kind of being eager to look forward to the future. And at the same time, scared the hell out of me, 'cause I was 'bout to start something new.

I always joke 'round saying that I had this ''Veteran of War'' look in this picture. And it's true... I have that look. I'm just an ol' geezer he he... but anyway. I'm glad the photographer took the best angle of me and made this photo so in the further generations a lot o' girls will say ''This guy looks so cute'' -To be honest that thing already happened, I even surprised one of 'em saying that-

The funny thing 'bout this picture is that, most of my Rock heroes have this kinda look in their faces in their high school annuary pictures. I just laughed back then, as I'm doing right now.

At the time this happened, I was 'bout to finish High School. The picture was taken in October I guess, 'cause my 18th birthday was near. A lot happened that last year in high school... The most notable was me declining to take a trip with my classmates for buying my first electric guitar *May it rest in peace now* so I could learn more music... I was dead serious, I wanted to learn so I needed what it takes to learn.

Some things never change... I've been always a nutcase, and when it comes to music, I'm really determinated...

1 comment:

  1. Lo siento por usar tu plantilla, esta fue la primera q usé y me spuso sensible

    No entiendo nada
    porque en ingles?? yo se
    dale un post en español para lo spobres




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Would you believe that I speak spanish, but I prefer english instead?