
The Path of the Aspiring Musician. Part I: Find your own voice. Find a master...

While I finished high school, back in the year 2003, I had clear one thing on my mind. I just wanted to be the best guitar player I could be. At first, my ambitions weren't that high, as they are right now. But anyway, I had so much to learn.

While I went to college, a lot o' things came to my mind... I mean, college actually was the first time I made open contact with ladies. I know it sounds stupid, but it's the truth. I went to a high school were all the students were male, like some sort of reformatory. And it was, actually, I think of my high school days as ''Reformatory Days''.

In college I've met a lot of people, some of them are gone, but no one like my closer friend Alejandro. While we met it was kind of weird, I was practicing my arpeggios all over the neck of my rust and old acoustic guitar, while a friend introduced us. He liked music as well, he played guitar too, and he liked Metallica. To me that was like ''Enough, this guy's gotta be cool''. And I wasn't wrong at all.

It was kinda funny, I expected to find more friends like him so I could start a band, you know the stories of the guys of Radiohead being college classmates and all sorts. But this wasn't the case at all. All the guitar players that were in my college, either liked girly-poppy-over-the-gum music, or worst yet, were show-offs.

And you know, I couldn't stand show-offs at all. Enough with myself, the Napoleonic-Complex-driven fella who is writting this lines.

I eventually found another friend, a girl who could REALLY play the GODDAMN bass, I was psyched. She liked Metallica, and what's funnier is that she was Chinese. That was so damn cool, I had another guitar player, a bass player, now the drums and the vocals were missing. Eventually, a friend o' mine offered as a singer, and we were up to sing a Cranberries song. I hated the fact I was playing that song, but what the heck, you gotta do what you gotta do.

My friends, that was the first time I played live. And we sucked. But it's ok, I like to remember I sucked being the nutcase I am, standing there and pouring my guitar as hard as I could.

-Can you believe I was shredding the first 5 minutes of the gig? So boring huh?-

At the time we were rehearsing for this thing, I met the guy who was soon-to-be my guitar master. One of the must humble-down-to-earth persons I've ever met.

The first time we met was on one of the rehearsals. He was friends with the bass player. Before rehearsing, we left to print some invitations for the gig, and my friend Alejandro stayed in the rehearsing studio. While we were back, I heard those sounds coming from a guitar, and I called my friend 3 times. He was on another planet... I know why.

The thing is, after it we met again in another concert, I approached him saying that I wanted to be a guitar student. He told me that the lessons were sort of hard, and that he was a hard teacher as well. I didn't freak out. I wanted to learn.

*My former guitar master is a metal guitar player. And, he has his own voice. Not like this guys in youtube who sound like Petrucci, Malmsteen, or whatsover. The music you hear in the video was composed by him*

The first thing I went to learn was that I really needed to know what the hell I was playing. Because, while I went there I played a F major scale... through all the neck. And I had no clue what I was doing, so go figure...

There were times I went after college classes to my guitar classes. There were times I didn't eat anything at all, to just go to my guitar classes. But I was happy, I was doing my thing, preparing myself for the battle.

So the guitar sessions passed by, as time did. One day my guitar master told me: ''I've taught you all I know. It's time for you to move on your own. You'll make it...''

I've had received classes with my guitar master for actually 4 YEARS *2003 - 2007. And according to him, I was the student who lasted more time under his guidance*

I'll always be grateful for the chance I was given by Thomas Cansing *My guitar master's name* for being his student.

There were times I felt I was stuck, but then I made progress, under his direction and wise advise. I clearly remember when one of the classes I told him ''I want to be one of the best guitar players in the world'' and he said ''You could do it, as long as you want it and as long you put your effords in it. Flow while you play the guitar, breathe, and play what you feel''. And I also learned the art of patience.

Thanks a lot master, your help will always be appreciated, as it was back in the days I was under your guidance...

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