
So... what's all 'bout...?

So, yeh I'm wondering what the hell why I created a blog. Maybe to spread the good music world-wide. Not saying that I'll self promote my music works, 'cause I'm just an atom in the sea of chaotic atoms, a random piece in the blast of the cosmos... Who the fuck am I to say shit... at all.

So, music. That's what concerns to me... and matters at all. So I'll start this journey, and in some way, weird thing for spreading the good music. Maybe you know some of 'em , and maybe not - If you do know something I am forgetting, do me a favor and tell me . You'll be very, very helpful-

Without much further Ado. I'll start.

I'll start with this guy. His name's Robert Johnson. Maybe you know him, 'cause mr. Clapton have talked 'bout him a lot of times, citing him as a main influence - I do believe you Eric :D -

Robert Leroy Johnson, among with mr. Charley Patton and Son House - In my humble opinion - is one of the most influential and greatest bluesmen ever in the world. Yes I know, a lot of you will say ''So what 'bout Stevie Ray Vaughn and Buddy Guy and, etc...'' Well folks, without these three gentlemen, there would be no blues, at all. - Again I say, that's my 2 cents opinion -

It is said that Robert made a pact with mr. Satan itself to be the Best Bluesmen ever. Maybe it is true, but I prefer to stick to Clapton's version of ''Maybe while saying the devil he was referring to his girlfriend'' - haha, have some humour sense people -

Here's a video made based in that legend. I found it quite interesting... the song playing is ''Me and the Devil Blues''. You could find more Robert Johnson's songs among the net... Try to find the ''The Complete Robert Johnson's Recordings, Vol 1 & 2'' Highly recommended to listen while being lonely...

''And I said, hello Satan. I believe it's time to go''

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